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Our students enjoy a kind of closeness and camaraderie you don’t see everyday. From fellow students and mentor teachers to academic and college advisors, it’s the fabric of our culture — and it’s the perfect environment for learning and growth.
A BPS education goes beyond the traditional delivery of a core curriculum. Experiential and applied learning opportunities at BPS transform theory into practice, knowledge into understanding, and passion into action. Our diverse programs and learning opportunities prepare Bhartians to be globally literate, intellectually robust, and ethically principled citizens.
I'm not a superhero, I'm something even more powerful...I AM A TEACHER and I don't need a cape because I am uplifted by the talented and inspiring kids I teach each day.
”I have adopted the mantra - INVOLVE TO EVOLVE. It has helped me infuse novel & unconventional ideas into my teaching methods across levels.
”At BPS it’s more like home than job because of family-like colleagues and loving children. I am blessed to be a teacher who holds the power to shape the upcoming generation of confident and dynamic leaders!
”If that inspires you, contact us today to schedule a visit. We’d love to meet you!